成员的专业知识, commitment and hard work help us move the needle in ways that make a significant impact on the region.
扩大人际关系, gain career-enhancing knowledge and develop your business with others who share common goals.
Access data and expert analysis on the economy, demographics and business trends.
The Partnership is the primary business advocate for the 休斯顿 region. The 公共政策 Division works hand-in-hand with the Partnership policy committee members, 董事会成员, 当选官员和外部组织作为影响商业界问题的区域促进者.
作为本地区最大的经济发展组织, the Partnership is tasked with marketing the 休斯顿 area to relocating and expanding companies. 区域经济发展咨询委员会是提供监督的主要商业领导委员会, guidance and assistance for the Partnership's regional economic development initiatives. There are a number of targeted Committees under this Advisory Committee.
国际投资和贸易咨询委员会(IIT)是提供监督的主要商业领导委员会, guidance and assistance for the Partnership’s international investment and trade initiatives. There are a number of targeted Committees under this Advisory Committee.
休斯顿 is a city that takes on humankind’s boldest challenges head-on — both here on earth and far beyond. 拥有超过500个空间, 航空及航天相关公司及机构, 休斯顿 has been a pioneering hub in this sector for more than 50 years.
休斯顿's arts and sports scenes offer residents and visitors an unparalleled cultural tapestry. 从世界级的博物馆到激动人心的体育赛事, 这种融合创造了一个充满活力的, 多元的氛围增强了城市的身份, providing enriching entertainment and a unique sense of community for all.
休斯顿's education system is a cornerstone for the thriving business community. 拥有强大的公立和高等教育机构, our educational institutions cultivate a skilled workforce and fosters innovation. 该市对教育的承诺确保了人才的输送, driving economic growth and sustainability for businesses in diverse sectors.
休斯顿, 世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都, is leveraging its energy leadership to accelerate global solutions for an energy-abundant, 低碳未来.
休斯顿强大的健康和医疗保健景观在维持城市商业社区方面发挥着关键作用. 获得世界一流的医疗设施可以提高劳动力的福利, 生产力, 吸引人才. 健康的人口支持有弹性的商业环境, 培养创新, 生产力, 以及休斯顿的长期经济成功.
休斯顿, a global economic hub, thrives on international investment and trade. 地理位置优越,产业多样, 这座城市吸引着外国投资者, 促进经济增长. A strong port system and our international airports offer vital gateway, 促进无缝贸易, positioning the city as a key player in the international business landscape.
Finding solutions to the problems that matter most is baked into 休斯顿’s DNA. 作为生命科学的第三海岸, 该地区的世界级医疗中心, research institutes and private companies are taking on the greatest medical challenges of our generation.
休斯顿有熟练的劳动力, 制造所需的专业知识和物流能力, 运输和分销货物给全国各地和世界各地的客户-定位为企业连接全球的理想地点.
休斯顿's dynamic and expansive real estate market serves as a foundation for our thriving business community. 多样的商业空间, 从市中心的摩天大楼到郊区的发展, 适应不断变化的皇冠HGA010官方下载需求. The real estate landscape in 休斯顿 reflects and supports the city's economic vitality.
Facilitating economic growth across the 12-county region and improving quality of life requires innovative, 多式联运和技术计划,让休斯顿人能够公平地利用Hga010皇冠软件下载伟大的城市所提供的一切.
大休斯顿地区及其雇主需要世界上最优秀的熟练劳动力,才能成为21世纪伟大的全球城市. 培训项目和劳动力发展机会加强了雇主需要的熟练工人的输送渠道,并创造了通往机会和繁荣的更好途径.
服务于皇冠HGA010官方下载行业的专业人士对加强休斯顿作为世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都的地位感兴趣,他们将受益于这个基于队列的系列,旨在为参与者提供休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的内部视角, including best practices for building an energy abundant future for 休斯顿, 与皇冠HGA010官方下载进步有关的政策不断发展, 社区参与和人才发展, 并拥有活跃的皇冠HGA010官方下载行业从业者网络. 第一批火箭将于2024年发射.
HYPE通过独特的方式为会员公司的下一代商业和社区领袖提供专业的专业发展经验, 全年定期参加活动,并策划双月刊,旨在培养他们的技能和提高他们的领导潜力. HYPE members are typically early- to mid-career professionals interested in growing their career potential.
前身为“妇女商业联盟”(WBA),“‘女性崛起’旨在表彰那些有潜力的女性,她们乐于与志同道合的女性建立人际关系,分享想法,并提高自己的专业技能. Ongoing experiences throughout the year emphasizing connection with peers, 除了精心策划的双月刊通讯外,还提供与商业和社区领袖以及技能发展的接触.
These offerings provide organizations with exclusive opportunities to network with influential policy leaders, engage in crucial discussions and play an integral role in advocating for the greater 休斯顿 region.
《皇冠HGA010官方下载》系列以有影响力的领导人为主角, elected officials and government relations professionals shaping policy at our state, 地方和联邦两级.
休斯顿 In Focus召集民选领导人, chamber partners and members for conversations with the region’s most influential leaders, sharing how key allies work together to build a strong future for the 休斯顿 region, 在Hga010皇冠软件下载12个县的足迹中扩大增长和机会.
春天和秋天都举行, these gatherings are an opportunity to build relationships with women working in government affairs, 公共事务, 或者联邦政府, 州政府或地方政府,同时放大了女性在政府关系行业所做的巨大工作.
策划, 双月通讯,包括劳动力趋势和问题文章, 相关节目及活动公告, 合作伙伴数据洞察.
领导者需要清晰的思路和支持,才能创造出意义重大的成果, 对公平和包容的可量化和可持续影响. 依靠数据信息的洞察力和经过验证的实践, 这个互动的点对点学习系列邀请经验丰富的从业人员和商业领袖提供如何消除障碍的可行建议, 进步的机会, and develop capabilities to drive progress at every level of an organization.
这个UpSkill休斯顿系列将休斯顿地区的雇主和思想领袖聚集在一起,讨论该地区最重要的挑战之一——劳动力. UpSkill休斯顿 is nationally recognized and serves as a forum for leaders of business, 行业, 教育和社区组织与具有前瞻性的国家领导人相互接触,以应对与发展本地区人才管道相关的挑战和机遇.
Gatherings open to all members to facilitate connections and foster active engagement in the Partnership. 列出的大多数活动每两年举办一次.
Develop connections with fellow members by participating in structured networking events.
Learn more about the Partnership’s work and how your organization can be an active member.
策划, timely experiences for members to gain the latest information that will help your business and career now.
8月28日,在Pearland的下Kirby区加入Hga010皇冠软件下载,听听该地区一些最大的商业生命科学制造商的意见. Hga010皇冠软件下载的小组讨论将探讨商业生命科学公司发展的障碍和潜在途径. Exclusive tours of Lonza’s and Millar’s manufacturing facilities will follow the program. 将提供参观,每位客人只限一次,每个设施只限25人. To reserve your spot, send the tour you select to Melissa Cook at mcook@pearlandedc.com. Lunch, as well as treats from the viral sensation The Puddery will be provided. Thank you to our event partners, Bio休斯顿 and the Pearland 经济发展 Corporation.
准备加入伙伴关系? Follow this link to complete our membership interest form and we will get in touch to get you involved!